What is a BESS Project Manager?

What is a BESS Project Manager?
Photo by Mika Baumeister / Unsplash
What is a BESS Project Manager?
Photo by Mika Baumeister / Unsplash

BESS...another acronym in a world full of them! In this case I'm talking about Battery Energy Storage Systems which are large scale batteries that can store energy from the electricity grid or renewables like wind or solar. BESS can be scaled to power a single building, a campus, or they can be tied to an electrical sub-station on the grid to power hundreds of homes. Their usage is only limited by the capacity and number of batteries and the electrical characteristics of the batteries.

So what is a BESS Project Manager? This is a relatively new job title that is used to describe a job with duties in managing the development of a BESS project. This could entail a variety responsibilities that occur throughout the planning, design, and construction of a custom BESS installation at a new location.

Battery storage jobs are expected to grow substantially in the coming years due to the on-going energy transition and funding from the Inflation Reduction Act. Thousands of new jobs will be available in the field installing systems, design engineering, and manufacturing.

Find the best BESS jobs on ZeroHero.net.

About the author
Scott Beckman

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